I now have a Canadian bank account. Getting one was an interesting experience. The CFO of Slant Six had set up a meeting with an account manager from Royal Bank of Canada. They really welcome you with open arms, and take all the time in the world to get to know the new client. I was also introduced to the bank manager. She invited me for their "Client Appreciation Day Party". Whoa... what a difference with the lousy treatment by Dutch banks. I now also have a checkbook, which I need to get used to. Writing and cashing-in checks is something I only know from American television. I need to find permanent housing. On craigslist.com I found this one that I may like. I think I will go check out that neighborhood with my bicycle.
RBC Royal Bank of Canada, eens kijken of de ING die niet wil overnemen...
Krijg je daar trouwens rente over je banktegoed?
Die condo ziet er leuk uit, in de keuken kan je wonen...
Hi Bram,
(How do we have to call you now you're up north? Abe? Le Bram? (Pour les Francophones)? :-)
$1395/mo ?!? How much is that in real money? :-) Hm, that joke doesn't fly anymore, as there is almost parity with the US$. So the joke is on them!
Did you watch the hockey game with the guys? Is it a big thing over there?
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