Friday, January 18, 2013

Raspberry Pi Explorations

Since I got challenged to porting my game to the Raspberry Pi, I got myself one of these devices. Here I will document my explorations of this device.

  • I installed an OS image using RPi sd card builder tool.
  • Upon booting, you get access to a tool called 'raspi-config' which lets you resize the root filesystem to take up the full size of the SD card.
  • raspi-config also lets you change the keyboard mapping. This worked for the text mode keyboard, but in X I still have a UK keyboard mapping. Editing /etc/default/keyboard did not help. Typing 'setxkbmap us' in a xterm does fix it though. Why is this still a problem? It got reported a long time ago.
  • I am not impressed with the case I bought for it. It is very fragile and hard to open and close. My advice is to shop for something better.
  • Hooking it up to the DVI input of my Samsung SyncMaster 172w did not work. My Dell Ultrasharp works superbly at 1920x1200 though.
  • You can power the device with a microUSB cable that is pligged into an iPhone charger.
  • The graphics chip is the Broadcom VideoCoreIV and there is a github for it. Note that a misspelling as VideCoreIV is often repeated.
  • Apparently you can do OpenGLES2 without X.
  • A guide on EGL on the Pi.
  • The VideoCoreIV driver lacks both GL_OES_texture_half_float and GL_OES_depth_texture which would make shadow mapping a very expensive operation. I think I will have to leave out shadows from my Little Crane port.
  • I have not been able to find support for OpenSLES on the Raspberry Pi.
  • To get XWindow use the full screen on TVs, you need to disable overscan in /boot/config.txt
  • To get natural scrolling, like OSX does, you need to: apt-get install x11-xserver-utils followed by echo "pointer = 1 2 3 5 4 7 6 8 9 10 11 12" > ~/.Xmodmap && xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap

1 comment:

Bram Stolk Sr said...

Een raspberry? Dat is patent pending van Annelies.....
Er was eens een knutselaar in UK, deed al net zo iets en werd er zelfs SIr Clive genoemd. Ik heb er nog een paar op zolder liggen en die BCC Acorn staat nog wel ergens bij Bas. Kan je TLCTC niet porten naar de Sinclair Spectrum ZX?
Succes met je RAPBERRY....