Or: why Kiwi customers rock.
I have been studying the influence of geography on the conversion of freemium users into paying customers. To do this, I analyzed three weeks of sales data from the Mac App Store for the little crane that could.
It turns out that in New Zealand, the users were very likely to buy premium content for the game. For every four downloaders, one of these would purchase additional content. I wonder if this is caused by the fact that in New Zealand internet access is often metered. This would mean that downloading free apps would already constitute a financial commitment by the New Zealand user, so the step to in-app-purchase is smaller.
As a side note: the Mac version of `the little crane that could' had its biggest market in Germany, followed by UK. So even with low German conversion rates, the bulk of the revenue was generated in the German market.

Het blijkt ook hier weer...de Hollander gaat voor de gratis aanbiedingen, slechts 1 op de 24 winkelbezoekers koopt ook werkelijk iets....de Russen blijken dus nog een graadje erger te zijn??
En hoe zit het dan met de traditioneel zuinige Schotten?
Scotland is part of Great Britain.
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