I visited the Vancouver Auto Show today with Goran and Auday. After nearly two years, I finally sat down behind the wheel of a Chevy Camaro again. It felt nice to be in a muscle car again. It's pretty affordable too, as the V8 model, with a big ass 6.2L engine starts at 40K Canadian dollar. I guess some people think there is plenty of oil left in the ground. Also the Dutch pride was present (Spyker). I still think it has the best looking interiour of all the cars. The exposed gear linkages are a brilliant touch. The website of the show lead me to believe that the new Ferrari California would be there. However, there was only one Ferrari present, a dark 599. Also there is a big community of electric car owners in BC. A lot of people convert there petrol car to an electric car. They were showing off their conversions on the exhibition floor.
Despite all the nice cars on the floor, I am not considering getting one here. I used to think that the Netherlands had the most anti-car government. It's just my luck that Canada is worse. I picked up just one speeding ticket in a year, but ICBC is already threatening me, and want me to enroll in a driver improvement program. Are they kidding me? And then there are the insane insurance premiums. No, car owners do not have it easy here.
Volgens mij worden die Chevy Camaro's zelfs in Canada gebouwd...
Tot dat Chevrolet failliet gaat.
I think you NEED to get the camero... and bright red just attracts the cops.
Ga je daarom jouw auto verkopen....? Ik sprak je moeder (op wie wij allemaal trots zijn vanwege haar onderscheiding) en zij vertelde dat je je woning en de auto die bij oom Piet staat, gaat verkopen.
Drie maal raden wie er interesse in die auto heeft? Onze Jelmer.....13 jaren jong.....maar of ik hem kan bewaren tot hij 18 is......
Nou Bram, nu moet ik het toch vragen. Wat wil je er voor hebben?
Ik hoor het wel!
Groeten uit Heemskerk van je nicht.
PS. een tussenstop vanuit Japan zat er zeker niet in...
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