What an amazing story. According to the Dutch Justice Department, it is impossible for Americans to get asylum in the Netherlands. Yet, one woman with her children is the living proof that it has been done. Her daughter
tells the story. Sadly, the Dutch neighbour was browsing the FBI website 14 years later, and called in the feds. It must have been the reward money or maybe he did not like his neightbours?
Parental child abduction happens all the time, unfortunately. There's probably more to this case then we are led to believe by De Telegraaf.
Ook hier kwam geen duidelijkheid omdat de buurman en de ex-man niet aan het woord kwamen. Kijk maar eens op www.uitzendinggemist.nl en/of
Hier de buurman aan het woord. Wat een minderwaardig schepsel is dat.
Ja, de mentaliteit van de buurman is nu dus wel duidelijk. Dit soort bedreigingen lijken mij ook in NL strafbaar. Het wordt tijd dat ie wordt opgepakt want de gevangenissen dreigen hier leeg te geraken....
In related news...
In a nutshell: Belgian woman disappears after a marital dispute (not in the on-line article but in the print article), husband is (always) the suspect, loses customers due to rumours and goes broke, woman found alive 1.5 years later and living in The Netherlands after someone googles her name.
So, is there such as thing as a good snitch, bad snitch?
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