Thursday, June 6, 2013

Quadratic Equations, solving 8 in one go.

Today I found out that modern intel CPUs can do 256 bit wide SIMD. This is possible with the Advanced Vector Extensions, or AVX. Operating on 8 floats at the same time is even better than what the PS3 Cell processor was capable of. So I wrote this neat little function that can solve 8 quadratic equations in a single go, without branching. It should come in handy when implementing a Fast Marching Method to implement Continuum Crowds. For SIGGRAPH 2008, some people at ATI implemented this on the GPU for their amazing Froblins Demo.

 * solve aX^2 + bX + c = 0
 * solves 8 instances at the same time, using AVX SIMD without any branching to avoid stalls.
 * returns two solutions per equation in root0 and root1.
 * returns FLT_UNDF if there is no solution due to discriminant being negative.
static const __m256 zero8 = _mm256_set_ps( 0, 0, 0, 0,  0, 0, 0, 0 );
static const __m256 undf8 = _mm256_set_ps( FLT_UNDF, FLT_UNDF, FLT_UNDF, FLT_UNDF, FLT_UNDF, FLT_UNDF, FLT_UNDF, FLT_UNDF );
static const __m256 four8 = _mm256_set_ps( 4, 4, 4, 4,  4, 4, 4, 4 );
inline void evaluate_quadratic8( __m256 a, __m256 b, __m256 c, __m256& root0, __m256& root1 )
 __m256 minb   = _mm256_sub_ps( zero8, b ); // -b
 __m256 bb     = _mm256_mul_ps( b, b );  // b*b
 __m256 foura  = _mm256_mul_ps( four8, a ); // 4*a
 __m256 fourac = _mm256_mul_ps( foura, c ); // 4*a*c
 __m256 det    = _mm256_sub_ps( bb, fourac ); // b*b - 4*a*c
 __m256 twoa   = _mm256_add_ps( a, a );  // 2*a

 __m256 dvalid = _mm256_cmp_ps( fourac, bb, _CMP_LE_OS );
 __m256 sr     = _mm256_sqrt_ps( det );
 root0 = _mm256_add_ps( minb, sr );
 root1 = _mm256_sub_ps( minb, sr );
 root0 = _mm256_div_ps( root0, twoa );
 root1 = _mm256_div_ps( root1, twoa );

 root0 = _mm256_blendv_ps( undf8, root0, dvalid );
 root1 = _mm256_blendv_ps( undf8, root1, dvalid );


Bram said...

Note to self: a faster version avoids divisions by multiplying with reciprocal of 2a instead.

Bram said...

Note: for the fast marching method that solves the equation, see "On the implementation of fast marching methods for 3D lattices." by J. Andreas Bærentzen.