Saturday, September 11, 2010


This is for strolling with the baby. I thought I would go for the walker, but I compromised, and we got the red one instead. Seven more weeks to go. If it does end up a 10-10-10 baby, then not only would the baby have a binary date of birth, it would have the binary date of birth (101010 in binary is 42 in decimal). Also, the pictures are from my new iPhone4 in HDR mode. For a phone camera, they are pretty good, even in low light conditions.


Bram Stolk Sr said...

Good choice, the red one meets the safety standards for transportation. The walker has too many very dangerous open chains and sprocketgears. I am sure one would get a lot of attention when using this legged contraption. The skullhead type of controls is not my first choice.....

Anonymous said...

Wat een mooie kinderwagen.
En een veilige kleur, daarmee
kunnen jullie als trotse ouders rondrijden.
Spannend hoor, nog 7 weken of slechts 3?
We leven op afstand heel erg mee!

Zonder Zorg said...

While the articulated octopod would have been fun, I think you made the wise choice with the more conventional red model.

Bram Stolk Sr said...

A lot of things hve happened, it is about time for an update to this page!!