Vancouver and Canada love the Olympic Games. But there is one thing they love above all: the game they call their own: Hockey, or as it is known in the Netherlands: ijs hockey. The town exploded when Canada clinched the gold in overtime. We took a short bath in the crowd on Granville street. Vancouver is in ecstasy over this win. It reminded me of the 25th of june 1988 in the Netherlands. The game against the USA was a lot of fun to watch. Judging from the Canadian player names, there could be quite a few with Dutch and German ancestry playing for Canada today.
Mooi dat er zoveel oud Nederlanders in Canada IJshockey team spelen, hebben we ook een beetje gewonnen.
Hier in NL veel genoten van de mooie beelden en natuurlijk de plaatjes over Vancouver.
Toch jammer dat jullie de clock zo'n 9 uur vroeger hebben staan, het waren hier lange nachten om real time te kijken.
En nu maar kijken wat er allemaal aan souveniers is achtergebleven en of al die investeringen inderdaad ten goede van de locals zullen komen
I bet you meant the 21th of June 1988 :-).
Canada had several chances to finish the game early and they should have scored, but at the end of the day the better team won. And you're right, the parents of the Staal brothers are from Holland! There was an item in NOS Studio Sport.
BTW, what the heck is going on at Sony?
A bloody disgrace what's happening to PSN now. And Sony is not really open about it as well: their top news story on playstation.com is about promoting new titles. My guess is that it is a case of drm gone bad.
Misschien kom je nog een paar rode wanten tegen in de uitverkoop?
Alhoewel ik het betwijfel, want ik las dat de wanten zeer gewild waren.
Ik zag ook dat veel supporters op de tribunes deze wanten droegen.
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