I was able to get lodging and ferrying easily enough, probably because of all the rain. Most accommodations were full, but the Maquinna Hotel had vacancies, which was a decent place. It is sober, but it serves its purpose. During the first night I had a big scare. I was awoken in the middle of the night. At first I thought it was the telephone, but it turned out to be the control of my bike alarm. After I bought Suzy, I fitted her with the most expensive alarm that the dealer sold. After all, I learned my lesson in Lelystad, where my sv1000sz (a rare edition from Suzuki) got stolen. The alarm on Suzi will actually transmit a signal back to my keys, so that not only the alarm goes off, I also get a signal if I am within a few hundred meters. After overcoming the drowsiness, I got dressed quickly. No baseball bat at hand, but damn, I was mad. When I got outside Suzy was still there. A loud group of drunks were a little further down the road. I think one of them sat on Suzy, or kicked a tyre maybe. Anyway, I observed the scene for a while, and then went back to sleep.
The ride back was pretty damp as well. Which is a shame, because the opportunities of using all 185 horses are so rare. And Suzy's engine feels so much smoother when it gets a little throttle. It can be a drag to drive hundreds of kilometers with the throttle basically closed all the time. However, I did appreciate her reliability as she did not miss a single beat, even in the heavy downpour. One of these days, it will be a proper road trip, in the dry, with wide open roads. According to specs, she should hit 300 per hour, but so far, that has been academic: it is an unrealized fabled potential.
I'm wondering, is it a silent alarm? And does it have a GPS tracker?
Hi Jacco,
It is not silent.
Both the siren and the controller will beep.
And unfortunately, there is no tracking on it. That would be a nice feature though. However, as it is, the current draw on the bike battery is already significant: if I don't start the bike in 3 weeks, and have the alarm on, the engine will no longer start.
Je kunt je wel eens afvragen wat het nut van die alarm systemen is. Niemand reageert meer als er zo'n sirene afgaat, sterker nog men ervaart het als irritant en is blij als iemand uiteindelijk die motorfiets in een pick-up laadt en er mee wegrijdt.
Overigens is dat alarm van jouw fiets wel erg gevoelig...ik was in staat het alarm te activeren door er alleen maar naar te wijzen, waarschijnlijk is mijn horloge voldoende om de sensor te activeren..
Beste beveiliging blijft de ketting door het frame en lantaarnpaal, alhoewel de GPS tracker van Jacco is ook prachtig als de boef je motorfiets tenminste niet in een (stalen)container heeft geplaatst.
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