Watching television here can be an ordeal. Euro 2008 games are broadcast live and uninterrupted fortunately. But other broadcasts are littered with a barrage of commercials. A nice relief from this is the public stations that are funded by private donations. I just saw a very interesting Frontline documentary on channel KCTS9. When googling for this station's name, I stumbled upon this hilarious video. It shows a pledge drive for the station. And remember: the station KCTS9 is on channel 9. Enjoy....
This weblog documents Bram Stolk's life as an indie game developer who immigrated from Holland to Vancouver, British Columbia.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Monday, June 16, 2008
Where the Internet was born
I knew that the Internet was created as a defense initiative by ARPA, now called DARPA. What I did not know, is that the very first message ever sent over the network was from UCLA to Stanford. A student at UCLA decided to trace down the history, and find out what the actual physical location was, where the historic event happened. In what building, in what room, did it all begin? Room 3420 or room 3424?
Finding ARPANET: The First (Physical) Site of the Internet from Brad Fidler on Vimeo.
Finding ARPANET: The First (Physical) Site of the Internet from Brad Fidler on Vimeo.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Nieuwe Blogger
Voor de reisverhalen van Bram senior en Els, kunnen jullie verder lezen door te klikken op Bram senior's eigen blog. Er is inmiddels een artikeltje gepubliceerd over Granville Island en eentje over het Maritime Museum in Vancouver. Veel lees plezier op
Orange lion rides the GSX-R
My mother brought me a little orange lion mascot. It is now riding along with me on my crotch rocket, with the manes in the wind. I watched parts of the first game via sopcast. I must admit, I did not wear an orange jersey to work, but that 3-0 really got me in the mood for this tournament. Slant Six Games is very international, at least half the programmers here have a non Canadian background. This means that there is some interest for soccer here.

Road side entertainment

Monday, June 9, 2008
Geland in Vancouver

We zijn nu in Bram zijn apartment en bekijken al zijn spulletjes... leuk hoor en een mooie buurt... alleen het regent nog al.
Ons hotel is hier 5 minuten lopen vandaan, we rijden rond in een Full Size Dodge...
Toen we onze bagage hadden en naar de uitgang liepen, stonden Bram & Amy ons op te wachten. Heerlijk, na een jaar elkaar weer te zien en heel fijn om kennis te maken met Amy. We zitten nu gezellig te kletsen en ik (els) heb natuurlijk de nodige vragen. Je kent dat wel van Rayman is laat...: wie is je vader en wie is je moeder? Nou Amy vertelde natuurlijk over haar Ned. wortels (haar moeder komt uit Wijk aan Zee, haar achternaam is Heusdens).
Groetjes van Bram senior en Els.
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