This morning I picked her up. I was a little concerned whether the insurance guy would let me register and insure it on my Dutch license, but he did. Convincing him that I am a very experienced rider, with 14 yrs no claim and 80 percent discount took more effort. In the end he would give me a 40 percent discount instead. Well, at least it is something. I had my Dutch insurance company make a statement in English on my history. Insurance is very expensive over here. Maybe because there are more accidents in Vancouver than in Amsterdam? With the discount, I still had to pay over a 1000 dollars per year for simple liability only. I bought two heavy duty chain locks. In addition to this, I bought the most expensive motorcycle alarm that I could find. It even has a 2 way radio connection. If someone touches my bike I will be notified if I am in a 1 mile radius. I will have to get a baseball bat or a gun to deal with the low lives that try to take away this baby.
Nou, nou.. dat ziet er weer goed uit. Good luck with you and the blue "baby".
Gun? Good luck getting yet another permit :-)
I think it's just a matter of claiming that it is for the Elk hunt.
Or you could hook up one of those GPS locator devices such as the Zoombak. I don't like the $10/mo. subscription fee, though. I guess they have never heard of prepaid GSM cards.
Ik las ergens dat ie de 310km/hr op zijn sloffen haalt...nou dan valt die verzekering van $1000/yr nog mee....
Het longboard gaat nu zeker de kast in?
19 april heb je je motor opgepikt.
Hoeveel km's heb je al gereden?
En is het in Vancouver goed motorweer?
Hier hebben we al ruim een week zomerse temperaturen, dus heel goed weer voor motorritten.
P.s... gefeliceerd met de verjaardag van Robbert. Je hebt hem wel een heel groot cadootje gegeven! Ja, je hebt uiteindelijk ook maar 1 broer. Met 10 broers en zussen is het een ander verhaal.
Huh... de bike is bij de dealer helaas. Computer storingen. Grr... en ik dacht dat Japanse motorfietsen een veilige keuze is.
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