The match was quite an experience. The stadium was far from being sold out, with only 24000 spectators or so. The cheerleaders, 'Felions' as they call them were very pretty, but had a hard time keeping their dances synchronized. The guys on the field were not fully up to the task either, as the visiting Rough Riders team was simply better. Pre-match, I experienced my first "Oh Canada" live performance. Good atmosphere in the stadium, and really a family experience. My co-worker brought his two little kids. Fans of both teams mingle, have BBQs together, with no animosity whatsoever as we often see in European Football. During the game you need to pay attention. The play is stopped frequently, but when resumed, the pace is fast, and the action is harder to follow compared to soccer. This evening I saw 'Perfect Stranger' with Bruce Willis: a shitty movie with a great ending. When I exited the cinema, I wanted to get my parked bicycle. However, it was parked in the middle of a police action. Two drunk girls were dragged over the street, as they resisted arrest. One of them was deposited on the pavement, half a meter from my bike. The officers warned everybody that came too close, so I thought I would wait for the scene to disperse before I got my bike. But as the arrest-vehicle took a while, I thought I could probably very carefully approach an officer about my bike. Canadians are a friendly bunch, and so are the police officers, so I was granted access to my bicycle.
How did you like the endzone dances?
he neef bram hier een bericht van je nichtje ingrid. Na vele leuke verhalen over jouw in canada te hebben gehoord ging ik er helemaal voor zitten om je site te lezen.Wat blijkt alles in het engels dat kunnen oma en ik niet lezen hoor. Maar ik laat het me wel vertalen want ben erg benieuwd naar je verhalen. Geniet van het mooie leven in canada groetjes ingrid stolk
..Eeh, je pic is verdwenen op je Profile ?.
Wow..je bike part of the action.
Laat me raden...Felions betekent dus Female Lions ? Op deze datum 17 juni dus is je stolk.org server er mee opgehouden want ik zie geen foto meer van je profiel...
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